I first want to start this blog saying that I truly know that families are forever. The only way to get exaltation is trough being sealed in the temple and having an eternal family. I love my family. I have both of my parents together and three sisters who live in Trujillo, Peru. I miss them a lot while I am here attending school, however I know that all sacrifices are worth it. Getting a better education at BYU-I, really far from home, will later bless me to have a spiritual and well economically established family. I love learning about family and I will probably major in Marriage and Family. I want to share a beautiful and inspiring video that will help us remember the immense value our family has in our lives.
This is a picture of me and my sisters :D I miss them so much!!

My name is Emily and I am the TA in your class! Good job on your blog! This class will teach you so much about the importance of the family. I look forward to your blog!