Saturday, November 16, 2013

Family crisis

“Crisis or transition of any kind reminds us of what matters most. In the routine of life, we often take our families—our parents and children and siblings—for granted. But in times of danger and need and change, there is no question that what we care about most is our families!”

Elder M. Ruseell Ballard

When any family member is facing a crisis, the tension usually spreads to everyone else in the family. One of the biggest mistakes parents make when facing a crisis is not being open and honest about it with their children. Often parents try to keep the problem from their children because they don't want them to worry.

"If you're not open with your children and then they find out anyway, it makes them feel like you don't trust them and that they're not a vital part of the family."

No one wants to talk about unpleasant situations or share bad news, yet sometimes doing so is a necessary part of parenting. For example, being honest and open, let children express their opinions and assumptions, encourage questions, and provide hope.

Challenges and crisis in life are not easy to overcome. Through the Spirits's guidance and comfort, I know that this crisis will later turn out to be memories of bad times being overcome by even better ones that made the family even stronger than before. The little things in life we'll make for others, are the things that keep us close. 

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