Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Family

Most married couples develop a shared understanding of who does what in their relationship. It is a sometimes unspoken recognition of an inevitable division of labor and responsibilities. I came to the conclusion that the “perfect and most accurate” plan for marriage is an equal sharing of chores and other duties.  Family is not just an institution of many people living together under one roof; but the union of similar minded or mutually loving people bound with certain duties and responsibilities. God deliberately designed the gender role structure and later the initial social setups to help the people accept and realize the specific duties each gender bound to. The divine role of the mother is dedicating enough time for the kids, plus the entire process of childcare and development. The father has to provide with temporal and spiritual essential “supplies.” But modern lifestyle makes both the parents busy working for the family and earning the amount to meet the demands of life. Kids many a times are left with caretakers or paid nannies. Such lifestyles affect the families badly as children may grow unaffectionate to the parents. It is quite difficult for any parent to balance between the modern lifestyle and parenting or homemaker tasks. Kids need to be trained to cop up with the family roles. This will help them to be more understanding and affectionate to parents.
Living peacefully in a family isn’t always easy, but in God’s restored Church, marriage and families is the most important social unit now and in eternity. The effort we put into strengthening our families is the hardest and most significant work any of us will do on earth. No matter how hard we try, our marriage and home won’t be perfect. But if we build them around Christ’s principles including faith, prayer, repentance, forgiveness, respect, love, compassion, work and wholesome fun, home can be a place of refuge, peace and immense joy.


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